Student names: Alicia Rampe, Jessica Denton, Ivet Gesheva
Artist Inspiration: Claes Oldenburg
One sentence summary: Her zipper is covering her up, while she is fraying from the back; she must unzip to reveal.
100 word Statement:
Secrets zipped up in the house,
concealing all the years of tears.
Coldly ignored,
Neighbors turn their heads;
it’s the secret in your home
Dissembled across your face.
Can’t release the pain
Beyond your front door, for fear
He’ll really shut you up.
When you stagger from that house,
don’t dare reveal theTruth.
It must be
So seal your battered mouth, and
Play dumb to all who see.
Once you return, keep those terrors zipped inside,
Because the panic cannot be shown
To him.
There is hope just yet,
But it is not without fear.
You must muster all your strength and